Teaching Philosophy
Over the past two decades, knowledge has become available at the touch of a search button, highlighting now more than ever before that our critical role as teachers lies in the transference of the abilities and skills needed to effectively learn, implement, and potentially expand a particular body of knowledge.
This evolution of teaching and learning drives our teaching philosophy, which strives to develop strong conceptual understanding and analytical skills within students, thereby emboldening them to continue the learning process independently and to think critically about subject matter applications within the context of world affairs and societal needs.
CEE 450: Introduction to Transportation Engineering
This course aims to introduce students to the fundamentals of planning, design, and operation of transportation infrastructure. Topics covered will include:
- user and vehicle performance and characteristics;
- roadway, mass transit system, and active transportation facility design;
- traffic operations and flow;
- system performance and metrics (e.g., capacity analysis);
- transportation planning and forecasting; and
- impacts of new and emerging technologies on current transportation systems.
CEE 552: Travel Behavior Analysis and Forecasting
This course introduces the data, theories, and methods used to analyze and forecast human behavior within the context of transportation systems. Specifically, in this course, we:
- Introduce behavioral theories and psychological principles that underlie human decision-making;
- Obtain an understanding of the fundamentals of human-centered data collection, specifically, survey design and sampling;
- Establish econometric foundations for the formulation and estimation of discrete choice models;
- Explore and apply a variety of discrete choice models to travel behavior modeling; and
- Obtain an overview of the steps involved in travel demand forecasting, and how the data, theories, and methods learned thus far are integrated within the demand forecasting process.